Latest News
Mai Beauclaire wins a poster award!
Mai was awarded the 2nd place for her poster presented at the University of Minnesota Biofilm & Microbial Communities Symposium on April 22, 2022.

Kitty Sompiyachoke receives the 2022 Hogenkamp Award in Enzymology!
This award is given to a talented graduate
student whose research emphasizes enzymology. Congratulations for this great achivement!

Reed Jacobson receives a fellowship!
Reed Jacobson receives the 2021 3M Science & Technology Graduate Fellowship at the BMBB department banquet.

Biotechnology Training Grant
Congratulations to Mai Beauclaire for entering the NIH biotechnology training grant program!

Anthony Jenks receives a fellowship
Anthony Jenks receives the 2019 Armstrong-Pothapragada Graduate Fellowship at the BMBB department banquet.

Dr. Rakesh Sikdar receives a best poster award!
Dr. Rakesh Sikdar receives a best poster award at the Biofilms 2019 meeting for his demonstration of the efficacy of quorum quenching enzymes in C. elegans infection models.

Elias Lab at the iPrime meeting 2018
The Elias lab presented scientific work at the annual iPrime meeting in Minneapolis

Petri Dish: A Tiny Take on Toxins
Engineering enzymes to clean up the environment. The panelists include Mikael Elias, an assistant professor in the University's Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics and its Biotechnology Institute, and Paige Novak, a professor in the University's Department of Civil Engineering.

Protein Crystals Growing in Real Time!
Time-lapse of the crystal growth of an enzyme (lactonase from Geobacillus caldoxylosilyticus)
Elias Lab @ the Microbial Factories Symposium
The Elias lab presented results on poster at the symposium organized by the BioTechnology Institute, Profs. Mike Freeman and Mikael Elias

Louis Hey is awarded a UROP fellowship
Louis receives a UROP fellowship to support his research of the bacterial phosphate uptake system.

Meeting with industries at the UMN iPrime
Dr. Elias and Lab folks are going to share recent findings at iPrime.

Biofilm Club Annual Symposium 2016
Dr. Elias is talking about the optimized enzyme generated in the lab to disrupt bacterial communication.

Celine Bergonzi receives a French Academic Award
Congrats to Celine, she received the Jean Walter Zellidja award!

New website launched!
Here is the new version of the lab website !

credit pictures - wikipedia